
How to get a fully engaged audience

Written by OmniPlayer | 16-May-2019 10:11:00

Radio needs to invest in strong and compelling digital services. If it does, radio can look forward to a robust future built on the strong foundation it already has in the marketplace leveraging the medium's great reach, habitual listenership, local presence and brands. Did we earlier mention features such as podcast and multichannel publishing, today we want to show you the possibilities of Visual Radio. Because why just have listeners, when you can have a fully engaged audience?

Visual radio can bring a wealth of exciting new opportunities to every broadcaster. With visuals you can complement everything from music, advertisement, jingles and news to live feeds from your studio or live event. Adding music videos, stills, graphics and camera feeds to your content will most likely result in deeper audience engagement and, even more important, increased loyalty. Simply because you offer more than just audio, which is becoming more and more important nowadays with modern day society’s image obsession. Although the strength of radio always has been its ability to boost the imagination via the content being broadcast, adopting other ways of communicating will for sure attract new and more listeners.

Visual Radio through OmniPlayer

So how can you be seen on every type of screen, in just one click? Simple: OmniVeo.

OmniVeo enables visual radio through OmniPlayer and gives you the simplest and most efficient way to broadcast visual radio. It is so intuitive to work with; everyone can start using it without any form of training whatsoever. Simply attach edited video files to audio files, hit play on the track in OmniPlayer and simultaneously air your audio and video in perfect sync on every medium you have live.

In between playing pre-prepared tracks, fading-up the studio console automatically switches broadcast visuals to your live studio feed, or other default visual of your choice. And if you don’t have a video available for every audio item, no problem. Simply choose a default visual for whenever you play video-free audio tracks, so your audience’s screens never go blank.

Do you want to see visual radio live in action? Check out the live streams on 538, 3FM or Qmusic.