Our new customer: regional Dutch broadcaster 1Twente!

1Twente is a regional radio station for Twente, in the east of the Netherlands, broadcasting the latest news and current affairs from Twente, Enschede (1Twente Enschede) and Hengelo on radio, tv and online.

Ernesto Bleijenberg, Coordinator Technology 1Twente:
‘1Twente is in the midst of professionalizing, with OmniPlayer playing a great role in the process; especially from a technical point of view. We were in need of a radio playout system that is fast, reliable and most of all stable, for our creators, as well as our technical staff. In OmniPlayer we’ve found that system. Together with the kind people of M&I Broadcast Services B.V., we’ve built a plan and executed it step by step. They really walked us through every step of the process and showed us all of the different possibilities, instead of solely pointing out problem areas. Exactly the kind of mindset we like and adopt in Twente! From now onwards, we’ll happily start working with OmniPlayer and expand and integrate our technical team and skills even further. Making 1Twente better day by day!’